Consulting, implementation, and support for leading ERP/SIS solution providers.

Evaluating, implementing, and supporting ERP/SIS solutions doesn’t need to be difficult.  SIG leverages decades of functional and technical knowledge to help you design, streamline, and enhance your institution’s administrative and academic systems.

Let SIG experts get to work for you.

BROWSE our ERP/SIS partner services

Are You Experiencing...

SIG Can Help!

Business Process Improvement and
Back-to-Basics Solutions

SIG’s Business Process Improvement and Back-to-Basics (B2B) solutions helps institutions return to baseline goals by leveraging existing features, adjusting processes, and using efficiency tools to reduce or eliminate the need for modifications.

ERP/SIS Success Stories


SIG is committed to providing top functional and technical talent for our clients. Accordingly, SIG develops robust partner relationships and holds numerous professional and technical certifications and accreditations at both the consultant and firm levels. 

* Banner Finance

* Banner Financial Aid Expert

* Banner Financial Aid Partner

* Banner HR

* Banner HR Partner

* Banner Student Expert

* Banner Student Partner

* Colleague Finance

* Colleague Financial Aid

* Colleague Financial Aid Partner

* Colleague HR / Payroll

* Colleague Student Expert

* Colleague Student Partner

* Ellucian Experience

* Ellucian Extensibility

* Ellucian Insights

* Ellucian Premier Partner

* Ellucian Project Management Expert

* Ellucian SaaS Delivery

* Workday AMS Partner

* Workday Recruiting and Admissions

* Workday Sales Associate

* Workday Student Financials

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We look forward to hearing from you.