“Thank you for the support and guidance during this process, which highlighted a number of areas of opportunity which are now being reviewed and prioritized.”
SIG specializes in advanced technologies for Higher Education including ERP/SIS, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Cloud.
“Thank you for the support and guidance during this process, which highlighted a number of areas of opportunity which are now being reviewed and prioritized.”
“We simply would not have been able to do our Slate implementation without our partners from SIG. Their knowledge of Banner, Slate, and our business processes made it so that we were successful and met all of our implementation goals. Not only did they help us with the implementation, but they also helped us streamline some of our processes by leveraging their experience with other institutions. We are thankful for our relationship with SIG and will continue to utilize them for ongoing support and projects. We already have our next project with them scheduled to launch this summer.”
“Our ability to integrate data from a common application system with our CRM (Slate) was a milestone that we achieved largely due to our partnership with SIG. We have benefitted many times from our consultant’s knowledge, expertise, and support, both during and after engagements.”
“The RHB team that lived and breathed the Lasell experience during their research truly looked under every rock to best tell our story. RHB did a great job of learning how the institution’s history runs through our students of today, and how we can attract new students through our story. In their words, they truly learned our DNA.”
“SIG staff are competent, flexible, and willing to learn and adjust as needed to ensure client success. They are a true partner with Bucknell University in every sense of the word. I wish every vendor and vendor relationship were as productive and easy as our relationship with SIG.”
“Not only did they help us with the implementation, but they also helped us streamline some of our processes by leveraging their experience with other institutions. We are thankful for our relationship with SIG and will continue to utilize them for ongoing support and projects. We already have our next project with them scheduled to launch this summer.”
“By refining our goals with Salesforce, we’ve been able to achieve more than we’ve ever imagined, accomplishing more than 200 integrations and development projects in the last 3 years alone.”
“SIG didn’t do it as consultants but as Team Members. Everyone was on the front line working very hard, long hours; not just getting the job done but guiding us from experience and teaching us along the way. At the heart of our success was not some corporate philosophy but the SIG staff that helped us make the greatest impact.”
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