In this edition we share information on a live cybersecurity webinar, our comprehensive cybersecurity services, and much more!

If your institution uses credit cards in any capacity, then you won’t want to miss this webinar. On Wednesday, April 24 at 1 p.m. EST, we will be hosting a live webinar covering best practices in adhering to Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS). Register today.

After using several systems to track a variety of student populations, UNWSP needed a more efficient way to gather and sort data for these groups. Read how SIG used Slate to develop a streamlined process for inquiry, enrollment, and staff cross training to help UNWSP thrive.

Did you know? SIG is a CREST-accredited penetration testing provider and we are well versed in the specific student information systems that hold your higher education institution’s most sensitive data. Learn more about how SIG Cyber can help your institution stay compliant.

We are thrilled to be presenting two different sessions at this year’s Ed Summit. Our sessions share insight into SIG’s successful collaboration with clients and Salesforce. For more information about Ed Summit and ways to stay connected, please visit our website.

Inside SIG
Talking to: Eric Wallace, Senior Consultant, Technology Services

For this installment of “Inside SIG” we sat down with Eric Wallace, one of your senior consultants. We wanted to learn more about Eric’s background, what brought him to SIG, and what he enjoys most about being a part of the SIG team.
SIG: Thanks again for taking the time to chat with us today. Can you share a little of your background?
EW: Sure. I have been working in higher education for most of my career. I started off at a small college in Abilene Texas. I worked there for 14 years. From there I went to Ellucian and was there for 12, working primarily with Banner Workflow software.
SIG: What brought you to SIG?
EW: Reputation, really. SIG’s reputation in the higher ed industry is stellar. And, I thought, it would be great to be able to use my knowledge and expertise of Ellucian Banner with a company like SIG. A company that reaches so many different institutions across the country.
SIG: That’s wonderful. What is your favorite part of your job?
EW: I love teaching. And being able to teach our clients how to get the most of their technology investment is incredibly rewarding. Consider how much time and money a school invests in their software, and yet, most don’t take full advantage of the technology stack. Many don’t realize how the technology can help resolve issues and improve the end-user experience. Being able to help our clients learn and understand how to get the most out of that investment never gets old.
SIG: You really are a great teacher. You help people understand the technology and it’s capabilities in a way that makes sense to them. So, what do you do when you’re not helping to educate others?
EW: Photography. It’s been a life-long love of mine.
SIG: People, wildlife, landscapes?
EW: All of the above. [Eric shares link to some of his photos.]
SIG: Oh very nice! Ok, last question, do have any advice for your younger self? Or great advice you’ve been given in your life and want to share?
EW: Keep a journal or a record of things you’ve done, seen, and experienced. You think you’ll remember, but you won’t. (Or at least not everything.) And if possible, record stories from loved ones. I guarantee you, there will be a day when you wish you could hear the story again but won’t be able to. You’ll never regret preserving those memories.
SIG: Love it. Thanks so much Eric. To learn more about how Eric and our consulting team can help your institution, please contact us today.