Are You Thinking About a CRM Portal?

SIG blog - CRM portal

Are you thinking about implementing a CRM portal at your institution? Or are you migrating from Luminis, Ellucian Portal, or Ellucian Mobile to a CRM portal? Do you even know what a CRM portal is? This blog will explain the what, how, and benefits of using a CRM portal and how SIG can help your […]

Email Marketing Solutions for Salesforce (Updated)

Marketing Automation

Email marketing is necessary and important for every organization. Despite the proliferation of spam, email marketing continues to be a key weapon in the marketer’s arsenal. For our clients that use Salesforce CRM as their enterprise CRM system, we often have the conversation about the extent of the native capabilities of Salesforce CRM as it […]

Consolidating Salesforce Orgs

SIG Salesforce consultants can help you determine if you should be Consolidating Salesforce Orgs

Salesforce Orgs Definition For large clients, we often find they have multiple instances of Salesforce CRM. In Salesforce “speak” each instance is referred to as an “org” which is short for “organization”. In some cases, large organizations will deploy separate orgs over time for various divisions, departments or business functions. This blog addresses some of the considerations for clients […]

Multi-Factor Authentication for Salesforce

SIG blog - Salesforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

With the exponential growth into remote work environments and uptick in hacking and pfishing, it is critical for you to enhance the security of your Salesforce deployment. Salesforce aims to protect your data with the requirement of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). 

Have You Integrated to [???] Before

Over the past two decades, we have seen Salesforce deployments with associated integrations go from less than 5% of deployments to more than 60% of deployments. Consequently, one of the most common questions that clients ask is, “Have you integrated to [fill in your system] before?” It’s a great question and who wouldn’t want to hire a firm […]

Salesforce Display Density – Comfy vs. Compact

CRM Consulting Services for Higher Education, Higher Education CRM, CRM for College, CRM for Universities

Salesforce Comfy vs. Compact The Comfy setting looks like this: The second is the “Compact” setting which has less white space so more elements fit onto the viewing page. The label for fields is located at the side of each value allowing for up to 30% more information to be seen. Since the Salesforce application was […]

Preparing For Your Scope Call

SIG offers comprehensive consulting services for Banner 9.

How Much will it cost? How long will it take? For turn-key implementation or integration projects, we get asked these questions every day. Because your needs are unique to your organization, the functionality, effort and cost of your project will be unique as well. To help you answer the cost and time questions, we will offer […]

Integrating QuickBooks with Salesforce

CRM Consulting Services for Higher Education, Higher Education CRM Consulting

If you are considering integrating your Salesforce deployment with QuickBooks, here is some food for thought. We often get asked about doing this and here are some of the questions we will ask and that you should know the answers to. Questions to ask when integrating QuickBooks with Salesforce: If you have questions or would […]