Cloud Service Delivery Models

SIG Blog - Cloud Service Delivery Models

Are you considering moving your infrastructure to the cloud?

The cloud allows for many design patterns and architectural options not readily available to on-premises data centers. There are several delivery models of cloud services that should be considered to develop an effective cloud strategy.

Enhanced Domains – Salesforce Enhancement

Enhanced Domains Salesforce Enhancement

Salesforce will enforce Enhanced Domains in all orgs beginning Winter ‘24.  Enhanced Domains include your company-specific My Domain name that is included in your URL for all of your Salesforce and Experience Cloud sites along with Visualforce pages and content files.  This document outlines what Enhanced Domains are, the steps to enable it, and the potential impacts to your org.

Financial Aid Offer Letters

SIG provides comprehensive technology consulting services for higher education institutions.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Blasts Colleges on Aid Offers. Most Colleges Omit or Understate Net Costs in Financial-Aid Offers, Federal Watchdog Finds. Financial Aid offer letters continue to cause controversy. A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report blasts colleges on failing to provide students with details on how much their education will cost. We break down […]

What are Person Accounts in Salesforce?

SIG's process improvement consulting for higher education institutions helps streamline business processes using best practices for improvement.

Person Account vs. Business Account in Salesforce There are two types of accounts in Salesforce. Business accounts store information about companies. Person accounts store information about individual people. Note: In the Salesforce Help and other documentation, the word account by itself always refers to both business accounts and person accounts. Person Account vs. Contact in […]

Are You Thinking About a CRM Portal?

SIG blog - CRM portal

Are you thinking about implementing a CRM portal at your institution? Or are you migrating from Luminis, Ellucian Portal, or Ellucian Mobile to a CRM portal? Do you even know what a CRM portal is? This blog will explain the what, how, and benefits of using a CRM portal and how SIG can help your […]

Email Marketing Solutions for Salesforce (Updated)

Marketing Automation

Email marketing is necessary and important for every organization. Despite the proliferation of spam, email marketing continues to be a key weapon in the marketer’s arsenal. For our clients that use Salesforce CRM as their enterprise CRM system, we often have the conversation about the extent of the native capabilities of Salesforce CRM as it […]

Consolidating Salesforce Orgs

SIG Salesforce consultants can help you determine if you should be Consolidating Salesforce Orgs

Salesforce Orgs Definition For large clients, we often find they have multiple instances of Salesforce CRM. In Salesforce “speak” each instance is referred to as an “org” which is short for “organization”. In some cases, large organizations will deploy separate orgs over time for various divisions, departments or business functions. This blog addresses some of the considerations for clients […]